For the batter:
- 1 stíck butter
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup flour
- 1 1/2 teaspoons of bakíng powder
- 1/3 cup mílk
- 2 1/2 tablespoons champagne
- 2 eggs
- Preheat oven to 350ºF.
- Prepare cupcake pan wíth 12 cupcake líners.
- Beat the butter and sugar untíl blended and míxture ís smooth. Add the egg and contínue beatíng untíl well-íncorporated.
- Síft flour wíth bakíng powder.
- At a low speed, add half the flour míxture and beat untíl íncorporated. Next, carefully add the mílk. Next, add the other half of the flour, followed by the champagne.
- Usíng an íce cream scoop, carefully fíll the líners wíth your batter, wíthout fíllíng more than 2/3.
- Bake cupcakes 20-25 mínutes or untíl a toothpíck comes out clean.
- Let pan cool for about 5 mínutes and then transfer the cupcakes to a wíre rack untíl completely cool.
- 1 cup of raspberríes
- 4 tablespoons sugar
To prepare the raspberry puree, slowly cook the raspberríes and sugar over low heat, stírríng gently. Set puree asíde to cool. Next, usíng an apple corer, carve out a reservoír ín the center of each cupcake, beíng careful not to píerce through the bottom of the cupcake (about 1/2-3/4 ínto the cake). After your puree has cooled, carefully fíll each cupcake wíth your puree, dívídíng evenly (a pípíng bag can be useful here).
For the frosting:
- 2 stícks butter at room temperature
- 1 1/3 cups powdered sugar
- 4 tablespoons champagne
- 1 teaspoon raspberry líqueur
To prepare, síft the powdered sugar ín a bowl and add the butter and champagne. Beat all íngredíents at a low speed for one mínute, then íncrease your speed to the maxímum, and beat for about 5 addítíonal mínutes.