Sunday, April 19, 2015

being a vegetarian

Posted By: Unknown - 6:03 PM

How do I transition into being a vegetarian? I am very committed to change my lifestyle.?

For about two years now I've wanted to become a vegetarian but simply haven't known where to start. I have slowly transitioned into eating better in the sense that I gave up junk food and soda and eat less processed food but I want to become a vegetarian because I want to be healthier as well as because of all the cruelty the cows, pigs, chickens, etc. have to go through. I also do not like that they are given growth hormones, etc. I have done some research in the past months and have slowly incorporated meat free meals into my diet. By the end of this month I am going to give up cow and pig meat like ham, sausage etc and only eat chicken and fish... So how long should I wait to then give up chicken and fish? I don't want to do it all at once because I don't really know what I will eat to supplement those foods. How long of a transition phase should I give myself? What foods should I start consuming more of to maintain myself healthy? Any good blogs or books that could help me? I also have a question about milk... What can I drink instead of regular milk? Is there a vegetarian alternative? Is soy milk any good and is it considered vegetarian? (Sorry, I don't know much about milk). Please no rude answers, it is something that I am very committed to doing.

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