Balance the sweet marshmallow with a good dark chocolate.Photo: Edwina Pickles
8 granita biscuits or similar*
24 marshmallows
4 squares dark chocolate (Lindt 70 per cent blocks conveniently break into s'more-sized squares)
icing sugar for dusting
* In the US, graham crackers are the biscuit of choice; but here, anything from chocolate ripple to anzacs, butternut snaps, digestives or granitas will do the trick.
1. Unless you have the campfire going, heat the oven to 180C. Arrange the biscuits on an oven tray, and top each one with three marshmallows. Bake for two to three minutes or until the marshmallow is soft to the touch, but not browned.
2. Remove four of the biscuits, and top each remaining biscuit with a square of chocolate. Leave in the oven for 30 seconds to one minute until the chocolate has just softened.
3. Gently sandwich the biscuits together (I find it easier to place the slightly cooled marshmallows on top of the melted chocolate by hand then top with the remaining biscuit) and give it a gentle press. Dust with icing sugar, and serve.