If it seems your wife is cold and distant to you, but you still love her, then you need to find out how to get my wife to love me again. Here is some advice you can use right now to help you repair your relationship and get your wife to love you the way you remember.
Many men toss and turn at night because they are unhappy with their marriage situation. They still love their wives but do not feel loved in return. The question they ponder through sleepless night is “how to get my wife to love me again“.
First you have to understand that your wife may still love you but is choosing to repress that and not show it. Women have their reasons, do not fight it.
There is hope for saving the marriage if for no other reason than one of the two spouses, you in this case, cares enough to try to find out how to get my wife to love me again. If she does not love you and you did not care then there is a good chance the relationship would be over.
Since we agree that you care how your wife feels toward you, then, if possible, you want to find out why she no longer loves your or if indeed that is even the case at all.
Let us start by asking you a different question: “What did you do?”. Sometimes men know they did something and here are some of the typical responses.
#1) My wife does not love me anymore because I had an affair and she found out about it. Needless to say, she was not happy!
#2) My wife found someone new and I really do not compare too well against him; besides, there is excitement in someone new.
#3) I have disappointed her because I have a tendency to over promise and under deliverwhen it comes to making changes in my life or our marriage that she wants to see change.
#4) I do not show her, in her mind, enough attention and do not meet her emotional needs.
#5) I have a tendency to be a control freak, or at least she sees me as over controlling and not giving her the kind of freedom in life to be her own person and do what she wants.
Identifying the reason or reasons that might be behind your wife not loving you anymore is a start. However, it is also possible that you do not have a good grasp of what your wife really thinks about you.
It is common in marriages for there to be inadequate communication and for the husband to assume he knows what his wife wants. Even if she tells him there are times when she is not really giving him the straight scoop. (Again, women have their reasons, do not try to fight it!)
You might try taking your wife on a dinner date, maybe a weekend away, with the goal of getting her to relax and just talk with you about your marriage, life, and what her hopes and dreams are. Ask her how you could be more helpful in her achieving some of those goals.
Do not just pay attention to what she says, take a notepad and make some notes. If she wonders why, tell her that she is the most important thing in your life and that you not only do not want to lose her but you want her to be happy and fulfilled.
If finances do not allow this, do not despair. Maybe just an evening with relatives or an inexpensive sitter watching the kids can give you a chance to take a walk or a drive. Go somewhere you used to take her on dates that you know she liked – a park, lake, ice cream store, etc.
Heed this warning, though. Only do this if you are serious about making good on your promises and commitments from here on out. Otherwise you will just feed her lack of trust and respect for you.
The reward if you do come through, though, is to have back a loving wife in a happy marriage. And that is worth the trouble
, isn’t it?
If you really want to find out how to get my wife to love me again then do not stop here. This is just scratching the surface; a quick fix to get you started. There is so much more for you to learn and put into practice.
Head over to our website right now and watch the short video and read about what other ways we have to help you get your wife to love you again. The address ishttp://www.RelationshipAdviceHelp.com.